Heroes (2024)
The story of a group of individuals with different backgrounds were unexpectedly drawn into a mysterious treasure-hunting journey during the late Qing Dynasty. Amidst the grand and tumultuous historical tide, would they succeed, would their ultimate goals be realized, and would they be the heroes of their generation?
Director: Lou Jian, Wei Li Zhou
Also known as: Floating World In the Vast World Hui Wei Is Not in Dynasty Fu Shi Hui Fu Shi Mang Mang Hui Wei Bu Chao Tian Xingjian Tian Xing Jian 浮世荟 浮世茫茫,荟蔚不朝
Country: China
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2024
Genres: Action, Adventure, Historical, Mystery
Starring: Chen Tian Ming, Jinna Fu, Liu Yu Ning, Maggie Huang, Pang Han Chen, Qin Jun Jie
Heroes (2024) full episodes
Heroes Capitulo 31
05/24/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 30
05/24/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 29
05/23/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 28
05/23/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 27
05/22/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 26
05/22/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 25
05/21/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 24
05/21/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 23
05/20/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 22
05/19/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 21
05/19/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 15
05/15/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 14
05/15/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 13
05/14/24 -
Heroes Capitulo 12